Wednesday, March 29, 2017

פרשת ויקרא

1) Why is there a small א in the word ויקרא at the beginning of this ספר? Why is not the same size as all letters? (רש"י ויקרא א:א)

2) What double wording is there in פסוק א? Why? (רש"י ויקרא א:א)

3) From where did Hashem speak to משה in the Mishkan? (רש"י ויקרא א:א)

4) What is another name for ספר ויקרא? Why?

5) What is the meaning of the word קרבן? Explain.

6) What must an animal look like when it is being brought as a קרבן (basic info)? (ויקרא א:ג)

7) What is the difference between מליקה and שחיטה? When is each used?

8) What does a קרבן מנחה consist of? (ויקרא ב:א-ג)

9) What does every קרבן include? (ויקרא ב:יג)

10) Why must this be brought with all sacrificers? (רש"י ויקרא ב:יג)

11) What is done today to remember this?

12) What קרבן is קלוי באש (roasted in fire)? (רש"י ויקרא ב:יד)

13) When was this קרבן brought? (ויקרא כג:ט-יד)

14) If a person did a sin unintentionally, what type of קרבן should they bring? (ויקרא ד)

15) When was the קרבן תמיד brought?

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