Wednesday, April 26, 2017

פרשת תזרוע-מצורע

1) How long is a woman טמאה after having a baby boy born? (ויקרא יב:ב-ד)

2) Explain the juxtaposition of the laws of kosher and the a babies birth? (רש"י ויקרא יב:ב)

3) What special מצוה is done on the eighth day after the birth of a baby boy? (ויקרא יב:ג)

4) How long is a woman טמאה after having a baby girl born? (ויקרא יב:ה-ח)

5) If one finds a נגע on themselves, to whom should it be shown? (רש"י ויקרא יג:ב)

6) Why is a נגע shown ONLY to this group of people? (רש"י ויקרא יג:ב)

7) What color is a נגע found on skin? (ויקרא יג:ג)

8) What is done if it is not clear is the נגע is indeed צרעת (after the כהן says so)? (ויקרא יג:ד-ה)

9) Where can צרעת grow?

10) צרעת  is mainly caused by?

11) Where should a person with צרעת go? What shall he/she do there?

12) Describe the procedure of a מצורע becoming pure again. (ויקרא יד:ב-כ)

13) Explain the קרבן that is brought by the מצורע. Why is it this strange collection of stuff?
(רש"י ויקרא יד:ד)

14) Why do you think that a מצורע has to cut off all of his/her hair? (ויקרא יד:ט)

15) When telling us where to שחט the כבש, why does the תורה tell us במקום אשר ישחט את החטת (in the place that the חטת is brought)? (רש"י ויקרא יד:יג)

16) The Torah tells us וכפר עליו הכהן לפני ה'. Explain. (רש"י ויקרא יד:יח)

17) When telling us about צרעת on a house, the תורה says “כי תבאו אל ארץ כנען אשר אני נתן לכם”. Why is this? (רש"י ויקרא יד:לד)

18) What color is a נגע on a house? (ויקרא יד:לז)

19) What is done with the belongings of a house with צרעת growing on it? (ויקרא יד:מ-מא)

20) What lessons can we learn from צרעת overall?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Not afraid?

Why were the Jews NOT worried when Hashem told them to turn back toward Egypt (Shemot 14:2)?

Share your thoughts with me at

Monday, April 10, 2017

What to learn from the Egyptians.

What Middot can we learn not to do from the Egyptirns? Please email me your answers at

Chag Kosher V'Sameach!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bracha #14

How we yearn for Yerushalayim!

What are your hopes as you say this Bracha?

Monday, April 3, 2017

פרשת צו - שבת הגדול

1) The פרשה begins with an interesting change from it’s usual wording. What change is there?
(רש"י ויקרא ו:ב)

2) Why does the תורה change this word here? (רש"י ויקרא ו:ב)

Why should the כהן change his cloths when cleaning of the מזבח? Explain. (רש"י ויקרא ו:ד)

4) What should be on the מזבח always? (ויקרא ו:ה)

5) Regarding the קרבן שלמים, what is always done? (ויקרא ז:יא-כז)

6) What is done to a person that eats from a קרבן שלמים, both intentionally or unintentionally? (ויקרא ז:כ)

7) What is פגול? Explain. (רש"י ויקרא ז:יח)

8) When did משה take אהרון and his sons to bring a קרבן חטת on their own behalf? (רש"י ויקרא ח:ב)

9) What did he take them for? (ויקרא ח:א-י)

10) Why did they need to bring a קרבות חטת on their own behalf? (רש"י ויקרא ח:ב)

11) Usually, when we find a שלשלת in the תורת, it implies that someone was hesitating. Why do you think that there is a שלשלת here? (מפרשים) (ויקרא ח:כג)

12) What happened on the שבעת ימי המילים (the days of setting up the Mishkan)? (ויקרא ח)